
We believe in the restoration of families, rooted in biblical values, as a place where all people experience unconditional love, safety, security, affirmation, and connection.

We commit to use "our voice" to influence decisions that will encourage policies, practices and protocols for maximum positive impact. Click Here to use your voice in family initiatives across Greater Houston, TX!


We commit to use “our hands and feet” to be actively involved in serving. Click Here to use your hands and feet in family initiatives across Greater Houston, TX!

We commit to use "our mind" to prioritize and invest in quality instruction/information that brings equity of opportunity, truth and freedom.  Click Here to use your voice in family initiatives across Greater Houston, TX!

We commit to use our strength to increase autonomy, confidence and determination that catalyzes success. Click Here to use your voice in family initiatives across Greater Houston, TX!

Contact us to join the effort


Law Enforcement