Our Desire is Christ-focused:

Healing, Unity & Equity

Our Values



We will walk in accountability and gratitude, choosing to serve over being served..



We will be Christ-like at all times in word and deed.


We will boldly speak life over, and advocate for one another.



We will work through all conflict biblically with grace and an un-offendable heart.


We will collaborate around the beauty of our diversity and a shared vision. .



Where it all began.

G.L.O.B.E. was initiated in 2017, after Bobby ‘Tre9’ Herring called a group of African American men, mostly Christian hip hop artists, into a forum to discuss issues within the black community surrounding race relations. From that initial group conversation, G.L.O.B.E. was formed, but didn’t have enough momentum to launch. It wasn’t until a local Houston pastor, Johnny Gentry began to dialogue with Tre9 about the Ahmaud Arbery shooting and the brutal killing of George Floyd, that the movement got traction. In May of 2020, they decided to bring together Houston urban ministers & leaders for an on-line public forum titled, “What White People Need to Know.” The effort was to begin racial conversations that would give greater understanding and encourage empathy for the issues facing Black America. As protests began spreading across the country, Tre organized a call to action known as “PrayTest.” To encourage black, brown and white Christians to join together in prayer and to walk in solidarity for unity, hope, reconciliation, law enforcement relations, empathy, peace & positive change, they took #PRAYTEST to multiple neighborhoods & cities in May & June. Synergy and organization began to develop amongst this core group of multi-ethnic believers of faith and G.L.O.B.E. became the movement it is today!